Abbey L
Rifkind #3
Julie Bell
Anderson P
Operation Otherworld #2
Boris Vallejo
Anthony P
Armstrong J
Otherworld #3-4
Ashwell P
Asimov I
Foundation Prequel #1
Baker S
Ashlu Cycle #2
Bergantino D
Black J
Bova B
Privateers #1
Privateers #2
Voyagers #2
Brackett L
The Book of Skaith #1
Burroughs E R
Byron Cover A
The Universe of God-Like Men #3
Caidin M
Six Million Dollar Man #1
Card O
Ender's Saga #0.5
Carey C
The Archives of Varok #1
Carter A
Carver J
Star Rigger #3
Cave H
Chetwynd Ley A
Clarke A
Colomban J
Coulson J
Krantin #1
Crispin A
Starbridge #1
Daley B
GammaLAW #4
Daniels M
Darnay A
Davidson A
Del Rey J
Stella #1
Dellamonica A
Astrid Lethewood #1
Farmer P. J.
Fast H
Fast J
Felice C
Finch S
Voyager #12
Flint Roy J
Barsoom #1
Flynn M
Firestar #3
Firestar #4
Foster A
Taken Trilogy #1-3
Garcia R, Robertson R
Knight Errant #1
Gaskell J
Gerrold D
The War Against the Chtorr #1
The War Against the Chtorr #2
Gerrold D, Niven L
Golden C
Goulart R
Greeley A
Green J
Green S
Jalav, Amazon Warrior #3
Grey Z
Grubb J
Gygax G
Dangerous Journey #2
Haldeman J
Worlds #1
Hand J
Harris C
Sookie Stackhouse #1-3
Sookie Stackhouse #4-5
Harrison H
Deathworld #2
Stainless Steel Rat #1-3
Stainless Steel Rat #10
Harrison H, Stover L
Heinlein R
World Of Myths #4
Hoffman W
The Soulstealer War #1
Boris Vallejo, Julie Bell
The Soulstealer War #2
Holmes J
Pellucidar #8
Jordan R
The Wheel of Time #8
Keneally T
Kenyon J
Klaus S
Flight of the Golden Harpy #1
Knaak A, Tabet S
Beast Master
Kubasik C
Earth Dawn #3
Kurland M
Lackey L
Fairy Tales #1
Land J
Lee G
Rama #1.75
Leiber F
Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser #1-3
Lewis S
Llywelyn M, Scott M
Lumley B
Titus Crow #4
Titus Crow #5
MacBride Allen R
The Hunted Earth #1
The Hunted Earth #2
Macdonald J
Marillier J
The Bridei Chronicles #3
Marks L
Elemental Logic #2
Martin G
The Tales of Dunk and Egg #1
McGarry T
Eiden Myr #3
McGraw L
McKinley R
Folktales #1
McMullen S
Moonworlds Saga
Michaels M
Rosie Lavine #2
Monaco R
Leitus #1
Runes #1
Moorcock M
Eternal Champion #1
Sailing to Utopia #1
Morris J
High Couch of Silistra #1
Muse P
Myers E
Mountain Made of Light #3
Niven L
Magic Goes Away #1
Magic Goes Away #3
Niven L, Barnes S
Norton A, McConichie L
Beast Master #5
Beast Master #1
Norton A
High Hallack Cycle #5
Solar Queen #1-2
Norton A, Smith S
Time Traders/Ross Murdock #6
Time Traders/Ross Murdock #7
Norton A, Crispin A
High Hallack Cycle #7
Norton A, Lackey L
Halfblood Chronicles #1
Halfblood Chronicles #2
O'Brien R
Oddo C
Offut A
Offutt A, Lyon R
War of the Wizards #1
Osborne-McKnight J
Pangborn E
Tales of a Darkening World #1
Panshin A, Panshin C
Payne P
Pfeil D
Pohl F
Pournelle J
Falkenberg's Legion #1
Laurie Jo Hansen #2
Powers T
Preisler J
Resnick M
Birthright #24
John Justin Mallory Mystery #1
Roberson J
Chronicles of the Cheysuli #3
Runyon C
Schmitz J
Shaara M
Sheffield C
Jupiter #2
Shelley M
Sherrell C
Springer N
Spruill S
Steelman R
Stoker B
Stolz M
Stone C
Cheon Of Weltanland #1
Sturgeon T
Tenn W
Turk H
Turner G
Tyler Storm C
Vallejo D
Vance J
Cadwal Chronicles #1
Varley J
Vinge V
Zones of Thought #1
Zones of Thought #2
Walton J
Tir Tanagiri #1
Tir Tanagiri #2
Wells A
Whitman J
Williams G
Micronauts #1
Wynne Jones D
Zelazny R
The Chronicles of Amber #1-2