Commissioned by Ballantine Books as the book cover for Apache Wells by Robert Steelman. The final painting adheres very closely to the approved preliminary idea.
Apache Wells (p)
TITLE: Of Men and Monsters
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1975
After a little consultation, Boris produces a pen and ink preliminary idea, setting out his initial idea for the commissioned piece. Once approved the final rendering will follow very closely to the preliminary. As is the case with this book cover for Of Men And Monsters by William Tenn.
Of Men and Monsters (p)
TITLE: Deputy Sheriff Of Comanche County (The)
AKA: The Deputy Sheriff Of Comanche County
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1975
Final and preliminary art for the Edgar Rice Burroughs novel The Deputy Sheriff Of Comanche County published by Ace Books/Western 1975. The preliminary idea was done in colour, but this example was published in black and white.
Deputy Sheriff Of Commanche County (p) (The)
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1976
preliminary and final art for the novel Davy by Edgar Pangborn, published by Ballantine/Science Fiction May 1976.Although The preliminary idea is very rough, it can be seen that Boris has all the elements for the finished book cover in place.
Davy (p)
TITLE: Hatchet
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1976
Commissioned by Ballantine/Romance as the book cover for Hatchet by Lee McGraw. The final painting adheres very closely to the approved preliminary idea. The preliminary was done in colour, but this example was published in black and white.
Hatchet (p)
TITLE: Red Terrors (The)
AKA: The Red Terrors, Red Menace
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1976
Cover art for the novel The Red Terrors by Kenneth Robeson, published by Bantam/Science Fiction July 1976. The final rendition appears slightly different to the preliminary drawing. The background has more detail and the furthest Red Terror has been raised in position.
Red Terrors (The)
TITLE: Nomads Of Gor
AKA: Nomads
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1976
The final painting alongside a head study for the male character.
Nomads of Gor Study
TITLE: Dragon And The George (The))
AKA: The Dragon And The George 1
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1976
Commissioned by Ballantine Books 1976 as the book cover for the novel The Dragon and the George by Gordon Dickson. The preliminary idea is reflected in all the fine details that illustrate the final painting.
Dragon and the George 1 (p)
TITLE: Dragon and the George 2 (The)
AKA: The Dragon and the George 2
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1976
The author (Gordon Dickinson) requested changes from the preliminary as he felt the bare cheeks of the heroine to be too raunchy for his book cover.
Dragon and the George 2 (p)
TITLE: A Guide to Barsoom
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1976
Final and Preliminary art for the book A Guide To Barsoom by John Flint Roy, published by Ballantine/Science Fiction Oct. 1976. The preliminary idea was done in colour, but this example was published in black and white.
A Guide to Barsoom (p)
TITLE: Conan The Conqueror
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1976
A study of Conan The Barbarian that eventually became the cover of Issue #10 The Savage Sword Of Conan published by Curtis Feb. 1976.
Conan the Conquerer study
TITLE: Priest Kings of Gor
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1976
Final painting and a study destined for the cover of Priest Kings of Gor by John Norman by John Norman, published by Ballantine/Science Fiction June 1976.
Priest Kings of Gor (p))Priest Kings of Gor (p)
TITLE: Outlaw of Gor
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1976
A preliminary study of the male character.
Outlaw of Gor Study
TITLE: Rolind of Meru
AKA: Steve
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1976
Preliminary art for the book Rolind Of Meru by Peter Lyle, published by Avon Books/Science Fiction 1977. The final painting looks somewhat different from the preliminary, the focus seems to have shifted from the character Rolind to the twins, one of whom was called Steve.The preliminary idea was done in colour, but this example was published in black and white.
Rolind of Meru (p)
TITLE: Assassin of Gor
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1976
Three pencil studies for the various elements that make up the final image for the book cover of John Norman's Assassin of Gor
Assassin of Gor (p)Assassin of Gor - Slave Girl StudyAssassin of Gor - Guard StudyAssassin of Gor -Master and Slave Study
TITLE: Primeval Princess
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1977
Comparing the final rendering of this commissioned poster to The preliminary idea, it can be seen that changes have been made to the Princes's headdress and costume as well as the angle of the right beasts head.
Primeval Princess (p)
TITLE: Amazons Pet
AKA: Amazons Pet
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1977
The preliminary drawing is a beautiful thing in itself every detail has been meticulously rendered in the final painting.
Amazons Pet (p)
TITLE: Broken Sword (The)
AKA: The Broken Sword
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1977
Commissioned by Ballantine/Science Fantasy as the book cover for The Broken Sword by Poul Anderson. The final painting adheres very closely to The preliminary idea.
Broken Sword (p) (The)
TITLE: Secrets of Synchronicity (The)
AKA: The Secrets of Synchronicity
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1977
Final and preliminary art for the book The Secrets of Synchronicity by Johnathan Fast, published by Signet Books/Science Fiction 1977
Secrets of Synchronicity (p)
TITLE: Best of Leigh Brackett (The)
AKA: The Best of Leigh Brackett, Enchantress Of Venus, Stone Idol
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1977
The preliminary idea for the cover of The Best of Leigh Bracket by Leigh Bracket the final painting is sometimes titled Stone Idol, however It can be seen from The preliminary idea the initial title was Enchantress Of Venus.
Best of Leigh Bracket (p) (The)
TITLE: High Couch Of Silistra
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1977
The final painting paired with its preliminary drawing for the book cover to High Couch of Silistra by Janet E Morris, published by Bantam May 1977.
High Couch Of Silistra (p)
TITLE: A Season At Brighton
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1977
Comparing the final with the preliminary shows that although the original idea remains, many of the details differ from each other. The mirror has vanished and the figures are posed differently.
Season at Brighton (p)
TITLE: Micronauts (The)
AKA: The Micronauts
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1977
Preliminary art for the book The Micronauts by Gordon WilliamsBantam Books/Fantasy August 1977.
Micronauts (p) (The)
TITLE: White Buffalo
AKA: White Buffalo
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1977
The preliminary idea destined to be the movie poster for the Dino Laurentis movie White Buffalo. Often many artists are commissioned to produce artwork to publicize a movie. It is by nature that many will be rejected for various reasons once the successful candidate has been accepted.
White Buffalo (p)
TITLE: Last Stand
AKA: Last Stand
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1977
Commissioned by Portal publications as a poster entitled Last Stand in 1977. The final painting adheres very closely to The preliminary idea.
Last Stand (p)
TITLE: Godsfire
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1978
There are two preliminary drawings for this painting which was done as the cover to Godsfire by Cynthia Felice. One shows the cat facing towards the left, the the cat is facing towards the right, which is how the final painting is rendered.
GodsfireGodsfire (p)
TITLE: Space Guardian (The)
AKA: The Space Guardian
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1978
Final and preliminary art for the book The Space Guardian by Max Daniels, published by Pocket Books/Science Fiction August 1978.
Space Guardian (p) (The)
TITLE: Barba The Slaver
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1978
preliminary art for the book Barba The Slaver by Dael Forest. Slaves Of The Empire series book #1, published by Ballantine 1978
Barba The Slaver (p)
TITLE: Haesel The Slave
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1978
Comparing The preliminary idea to the final painting used as a cover for Dael Forest's book Haesel The Slave, we can see several revisions were made during the process. This was probably because the centre of the image was too busy. By realigning the characters the eye now becomes focused on the statue and the first slave-girl (who is now positioned left of the statue ). Below the dais, The center slave-girls positioning is more upright and to the left.
Haesel The Slave (p)
TITLE: Dragon
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1978
It can been seen from The preliminary ideas that Boris had a very clear idea of how this book jacket for Dragon by Jane Gaskill was going to turn out. Both the colour and monochrome preliminary drawing are shown.
DragonDragon (p)
TITLE: In The Moons Of Borea
AKA: Thundergod
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1978
Preliminary and final cover art for the book In The Moons Of Borea by Brian Lumley, published by Jove/Science Fiction 1978.
In The Moons Of Borea (p)
TITLE: Chronicles Of Amber (The)
AKA: The Chronicles Of Amber, Wilderness
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1978
Final and preliminary cover art for the book The Chronicles Of Amber by Roger Zelany, published by Doubleday Books/Science Fiction 1978.
The Chronicles Of Amber (p) (The)
TITLE: Demon Has Arisen
AKA: The Demon Released
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1978
'The Revival of the Demon' is a version of 'The Demon has Arisen' done as a cover for Creepy Magazine it differs from the original having a the head of a second demon in the background, also the first demons vampire-like wings have been extended above his head. Both are signed, but only 'The Demon has Arisen' is dated.
Revival of the Demon
TITLE: Reaching for the Stars
AKA: Reaching for the Stars
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1978
Theres quite a difference in the style from the original. In 2021 Boris and Julie collaborated on this re-imaging of Reaching For The Stars.
Reaching for the Stars II
TITLE: Moonlight
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1978
Two studies one an underpainting, the second a coloured version. The piece to my knowledge was never published. The underpainting is done in sepia the coloured possibly in ink wash both painted wash over graphite on illustration board. The dimensions are 11 x 16.5 inches.
Warrior Woman
TITLE: City (The)
AKA: The City, Apes City
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1979
This is one of those rare occasions where the final image is markedly different to The preliminary idea. Although the original concept remains, the main hooded figure is replaced by the Ape Lord, the other hooded figures are removed completely and both the females have been repositioned.
City (p) (The)
TITLE: Eagle
AKA: Eagles Tale
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1979
TITLE: Ginger Star (The)
AKA: The Ginger Star, Wolf-Lord
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1979
The final painting and it's preliminary drawing for the book cover The Ginger Star by Leigh Brackett. Published by Ballantine 1979
Wolf-Lord (p)
TITLE: Siren Song
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1979
This painting Siren Song appears in Boris' book 'Mirage'.
Siren Song preliminary
TITLE: Midnight Angel
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1979
Going by the same name Midnight Angel the two drawings are obviously based upon the same model with the same pose. The former was included within and on the cover of Boris's portfolio Midnight Angels, the latter appeared in Boris's book Mirage.
Midnight Angel 2
TITLE: Mistress of the Apes
AKA: Mistress of the Apes
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1979
Boris had a very clear vision for this movie poster as can be seen the final very closely adheres to the preliminary sketch.
Mistress Of The Apes
TITLE: Alone
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1980
The preliminary drawing for this painting shows the image flipped horizontally
Alone (p)
TITLE: Forces From The Federation
AKA: The Mercenary, Adventurer
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1980
A preliminary idea done in pen and ink can save a fortune in greetings cards!
Forces From The Federation (p)
TITLE: Icefields of Hoth
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1980
final and preliminary paintings for promotional posters given away by the Burger Chef and Burger King chain of restaurants.
Icefields of Hoth (p)
TITLE: Green Swamps of Dagobah
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1980
Preliminary art for the painting Green Swamps of Dagobah
Green Swamps of Dagobah (p)
TITLE: Darth Vader
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1980
final and preliminary art based on the Star Wars Trilogy for a promotional poster given away by The Coca-Cola Company.
Darth Vader (p)
TITLE: Ring of Ikribu (The)
AKA: The Ring of Ikribu, Red Sonja
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1980
Comparing the final painting with The preliminary idea, it can be seen that that the background has been simplified, the rocks to Sonja's left and right have been removed, The once jagged mountain now has a single peak. The purpose for the sword wielding is now clear, there is a fallen monster at her feet.
Ring of Ikribu (p) (The)
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1981
Boris revisited this very popular painting in 2005, the new version retains all the fine detail of the first whilst at the same time appearing to be more natural.
Soap 2
TITLE: Molly Hatchett
AKA: Take No Prisoners
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1981
Final and preliminary art for the album Take No Prisoners by Molly Hatchet, released in 1981
Take No Prisoners (p)
TITLE: Hookah
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1981
Comparing the preliminary drawing with the finished painting it can be seen that the female figure has been repositioned and her hair colour has changed.
Hookah (p)
TITLE: Totem Pole
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1981
Totem is an illustration found in the French version of Boris and Doris Vallejo's book Mirage.
Totem Pole (p)
TITLE: When Hell Laughs
AKA: Slash
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1982
The monochrome preliminary of cover art for the book When Hell Laughs book three in the Red Sonja series by David C Smith & Richard L Tierney.
When Hell Laughs (p)
AKA: Q The Winged Serpent
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1982
Almost all of the elements of The preliminary idea appear in this poster for the movie 'Q'. Boris has created several posters for the movie industry, often several artists may be commissioned to create ideas for a films poster, the majority of which will be rejected, Boris is no stranger to this phenomenon.
Q (p)Q The Winged Serpent
TITLE: Conan the Magnificent
AKA: Dragons Fire
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1983
Final and preliminary cover art for Conan the Magnificent by Robert Jordan, published in paperback by Tor Books in May 1984
Conan The Magnificent (p)
TITLE: Four Wishes
AKA: The Executioner, The Four Wishes
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1983
Preliminary and final cover art for the book The Four Wishes by Charlotte Stone Published by Daw Books/Science Fiction.
Four Wishes (p) (The)
TITLE: Vacation
AKA: National Lampoon's Vacation
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1983
The preliminary drawing and final painting produced as a poster for the 1983 movie National Lampoon Vacation. From these it can be seen that several amendments were made from the original idea before the final image was settled upon.
VacationTwenty-Fifth Anniversary
TITLE: Conan The Triumphant
AKA: Against The Odds
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1984
Boris produced this painting for the book cover of Conan the Triumphant in 1984. With a gap of twenty-one years and now working together Boris and Julie create this second illustration.
Stone Warrior
TITLE: Two-Headed Dragon
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1984
The preliminary idea Old Style Beer Ad shows cases of beer instead of rocks at the feet of the two Barbarians.
Old Style Beer AdOld Style Beer Advertisment
TITLE: Seduction
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1984
The preliminary drawing for Seduction, included the book Enchantment.
Seduction (p)
TITLE: Conan The Victorious
AKA: The Victorious
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1984
The drawing has everything required for the completion of the book cover for Robert Jordan's book, Conan The Victorious.
Conan The Victorious (p)
TITLE: Edge of Tomorrow (p) (The)
AKA: The Edge of Tomorrow (p), Isaac Asimov
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1984
This series of images shows how the original idea for the book cover of Isaac Asimov's The Edge of Tomorrow progressed from Asimov perched on a globe sucking his pen, to the heroic pose of the Chrome Robot.
Edge of Tomorrow study (The)Edge of Tomorrow (The)
TITLE: Woman Wrestlers
AKA: Female Wrestlers
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1984
This painting was used several times to celebrate different anniversaries of Heavy Metal Magazine.
A few changes have been made between The preliminary idea and painting, a few tweaks to the poses and headdress of the characters, otherwise very close to the original idea.
Barbarian Queen (p)Amazon Queen
TITLE: European Vacation
AKA: National Lampoon's European Vacation
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1985
Several preliminary sketches and ideas were produced before the final rendering of this poster to advertise the 1985 movie National Lampoon's European Vacation.
European Vacation (p)Vacation Eiffel TowerVacation Fountain
TITLE: Warrior Witch of Hel
AKA: Magic Ring
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1985
art for the book Warrior Witch of Hel written under the pseudonym of Asa Drake Published by Questar/Fantasy.
Warrior Witch of Hel (p)
TITLE: Hammer Throw
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1985
An illustration for the 1987 Fantasy Olympics Calendar.
Hammer Throw (p)
TITLE: Alien Within
AKA: The Alien Within, Tower
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1985
Final and preliminary art for the book Voyagers II: The Alien Within by Ben Bova, Published by Tor Books/Science Fiction 1985.
Alien Within (p) (The)
TITLE: Steppe
AKA: Sunset Attack
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1985
preliminary and final art for the book Steppe by Piers Anthony. Published by Tor Books/Science Fiction 1985.
Steppe (p)
TITLE: Heavy Metal
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1985
Preliminary art for the cover of Heavy Metal magazine published November 1985.
Heavy Metal (p)
TITLE: Workout
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1985
preliminary and final art for the painting Curl part of the Buns Keepsake Collection
Curl (p)
TITLE: Medusa and Triton
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1985
two preliminary drawings for a painting that never made it to completion and publication.
Medusa and Triton
TITLE: Deathstalker 2
AKA: Deathstalker 2: Duel Of The Titans
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1986
Produced as a poster for the movie Deathstalker II : Duel Of The Titans. The original depicts a Demon atop the poster whereas the home video version features a Sorceress.
Duel Of The Titans
TITLE: Chess King
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1986
preliminary art for a Chess King advertisement
Chess King (p)
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1988
The original painting is displayed beside the Mr Olympia Competition 1988 poster version
Mr Olympia
TITLE: Swords and Serpents
AKA: Swords and Serpents
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1990
The differences between the preliminary drawing and final painting are obvious. In the final painting the characters are no longer fighting the serpent, there is an idea that some form of collusion between the combatants and the serpent has developed, perhaps the serpents cooperation was secured through a spell cast by the Merlin like wizard.
Swords And Fangs
TITLE: Sun Ray
AKA: Coronis
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1990
TITLE: Beauty And The Steel Beast
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1990
Julie recently came across a study for this painting in her storeroom. the second is a re-imaging done as a commissioned piece
Metal SharkSail Away
TITLE: Deathstalker 4
AKA: Deathstalker IV: Match of the Titans
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1991
preliminary art for the movie poster Deathstalker produced by Roger Corman
Death Stalker 4: Match of the Titans
TITLE: Turrican
AKA: Turrican
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1991
There are two versions of the Game cover Turrican. One was unused.
Soldier of Tomorrow
TITLE: Tyrannosaurus Rex
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1992
This painting was originally commissioned as part of German advertising campaign with the strapline 'The Big Ones Are Back'. Comparing the second variation with the original, the T-Rex and pterodactyls appear to be posed the same. but although at first glance the mountains and volcano look alike, there are many differences between them. The foreground is very different to the original, and of course the female figure has been added. This version was included in the 1995 Fantasy Calendar appearing for the month of June.
Dinosaurs Love the Unseeing
TITLE: Dracula
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1992
Painted for Bram Stokers book Dracula the book cover was tightly cropped at the bottom and did not include the naked girl. Apparently Boris added the girl to add a romantic edge to the Dracula character.
TITLE: Faronas Sacrifice
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1992
There are two versions of this painting. The second version using a different model was digitally altered for inclusion in the 2003 Fantasy Calendar.
Faronas Sacrifice (Calendar Version)
TITLE: Half Moon
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1993
There are two versions of this painting, on was used as a calendar illustration.
TITLE: Summit (v)
AKA: Mountain Made of Light #3: Summit
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1994
Both of these paintings were completed in 1994. The mountain range in the painting Zenith has been put to use as the background for Summit.
TITLE: Moses
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1994
Using the same background, Boris has produced two separate paintings by digitally inserting different characters into each. Boris and Julie experimented with digital techniques to speed up the process of producing their artworks. The figure for the painting Triumphant exists with its own SKU (B-105), presumably the same is true for the Moses character, but to my knowledge it has not been published separately or given it's own SKU. See the painting Triumphant further down the list.
TITLE: Black Cat 2
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1994
preliminary and final art for Black Cat.
Black Cat 2
TITLE: Noahs Ark
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1994
Boris has taken the background from Noahs Ark painted in 1995 and reused it five years later in the painting Hordes
TITLE: Jean Gray 1
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1994
art for the superhero character Jean Grey.
Jean Gray 1 (p))
TITLE: Herricane
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1995
Some preliminary studies used for the painting Herricane that formed the cover of Men's Adventure Comix issue #4 October 1995 published by Penthouse International.
Bomb 1Bomb 2
TITLE: Rogue Run
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1995
art for the superheroine Rogue Comparing the preliminary with the final image, it can been seen that Rogue has been reflected left.
Rogue Run
TITLE: Adam Warlocke
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1995
There was a big change to the final image of Adam Warlock as can be seen when comparing these two images.
Adam Warlocke preliminary study
TITLE: Hulk Smash
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1995
one of several images by Julie of the superhero character Hulk.
Hulk Smash (p)
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1995
These images of the character Dane were done for Wildstorm Productions
Dane figure study
TITLE: Spidey in the Rain
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1995
images for Fleer Publishing Company of Spider Man.
Spidey in the Rain (p))
TITLE: Ax the Enemy
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1995
This was originally proposed as a T-Shirt design for a campaign to prevent child abuse, but it never progressed further. On this occasion The final painting adheres very closely to the preliminary drawing. All the characters are placed and posed in the same positions, the bough of the tree is rendered differently however.
Creature Slayer
TITLE: Wars In The Stars
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1996
The published version alongside an alternative version which appears on the reverse of a Topps Stars Wars Galaxy 2An unused trading card.
Harris comics who commissioned this Comic book cover, briefed Julie that Vampirella returns home to discover her family destroyed by demons, and to portray her distraut by her findings. They felt however that Julies portrayal was too realistic Vampirella looked overwhemled and distraut by the sight of her loved ones bodies. Superheroes should always look in control and female ones should look sexy too. The final painting has all the elements of the preliminary, but Vampirellas expression has changed to rage. I wouldn't want to be a demon!
Vampirella (p)
TITLE: X-Women
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1996
preliminary and final painting for a Marvel Comics illustration.
X-Women (p)
TITLE: Namor
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1996
art for a Trading Card Fleer Publishing Company of the character Namor. In the final image a change was made to face the character right.
Namor Action Study
TITLE: Desire
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1997
Another design for the Mistress of ... series done for Franklin Mint who issued a Collector's Knife based upon this painting. They also produced a statuette of the figure. Boris prepared the drawing to aid the sculptor.
Desire II
TITLE: Face of Apollo (The)
AKA: The Face of Apollo: Book of the Gods, Young Apollo
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1997
Final and preliminary cover art for the book The Face of Apollo by Fred Saberhagen. Published by Tor Books.
Face of Apollo (p) (The)
TITLE: Mistress Of Fire
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1998
Franklin Mint issued a Collector's Knife based upon this painting. They also produced a statuette of the figure. Boris prepared these drawings, front rear and faces views to aid the sculptor.
Mistress of Fire (Rear View)Mistress of Fire (Front View)FacesMistress of Fire (Side View)
TITLE: Myth and Magic
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1998
final and preliminary art used as a video game magazine cover for the game Might and Magic VII: For Blood And Honour, developed by 3DO 1999.
Myth and Magic
TITLE: Lady Rain
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1998
Another design for the Mistress of ... series done for Franklin Mint who issued a Collector's Knife based upon this painting. In the prelimainary Lady Rain is clothed in a bikini whre as in the final painting she is nude.
Mistress of the Rain
TITLE: Wings Of Night
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1998
Preliminary and final images of a Franklin Mint design.
Wings Of The Night
TITLE: Double Full Moon Night
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1998
Done as a book cover, The original idea of a couple in an orbiting space ship viewing the planets surface through a port hole has made it to the final painting. In the preliminary the couple are standing, whilst in the final painting there is more detail of the space ship interior both are on a stepped dais and the woman is seated.
Double Full Moon Night (p)
TITLE: Alchemist
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1998
final painting and preliminary study for the painting Alchemist
Strip Tease
TITLE: Tiger Magic
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1998
A Commemorative plate design for the Franklin Mint. This is straightforwardly the same painting cropped to be circular.
Tiger Magic 2
TITLE: Dangers Of The Core
AKA: Star-Wars Episode I: Dangers Of The Core
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1998
Comparing the primary with the final painting, it can be seen that the main concept of the space-craft being attacked by a monster has remained. The final rendition however, shows many changes, the space-ships position has changed it is now being persued by the monster rather than being caught in it's grip, the monster has chaged from a Octopus like creature into a giant fish. The backgound in the final painting appears to be more aquatic than the vortex-space environment of The preliminary idea.
Dangers Of The Core
TITLE: Amazon Mistress
AKA: The Amazon Mistress
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1998
Three views for a limited edition hand painted statuette issued by the Franklin Mint.
Amazon Back ViewAmazon Front View
TITLE: Parting the Seas
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1999
Appearing in the 2000 Fantasy Calendar the painting Parting the Seas shows a winged Felsa posed against a parting sea. The image was created by digitally compositing Felsa into a pre-painted background. This background was re-used for the painting Parting Seas in a similar fashion, this time a business-man holding the advertised product is composited into the painting.
FelsaParting Seas
TITLE: Triumphant
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1999
Boris and Julie experimented with digital techniques to speed up the process of producing their artworks. They would paint and photograph a background then digitally insert characters to produce a finished piece. This background is re-used in the painting Moses.
Triumphant Figure
AKA: The Void
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1999
Boris and Julie have experimented with digital techniques where elements are composited into a painting.
Spheres In SpaceVoid
TITLE: Mistress of the Moon
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1999
Part of a series of designs for Franklin Mint. The paintings were printed onto the cast-metal knives.
Lady of the MoonMistress of the Moon Preliminary
TITLE: Julie Strain
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1999
An illustration for the 2000 Heavy Metal Calendar featuring the late Julie Ann Strain, model and actress.
Julie Strain (p)
TITLE: Sun Goddess
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1999
It can be seen that the female figures pose has changed between the initial sketch and final painting
Sun Goddess
TITLE: Buffy
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1999
an alternative version of Buffy The Vampire Slayer produced and sold as a lithograph.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
TITLE: Snake Queen
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1999
Julie has taken a 1999 Franklin Mint design by Boris (Snake Warrior) and created two paintings completed in 2003, the first version is Shadow Hunter , using this image, Julie has produced a second version Red Viper by addding two metallic snakes her her famous 'Chrome' look.
Shadow HunterRed Viper
TITLE: Bird Woman
AKA: A New Dawn, Mistress Of The Skies
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 1999
Based on a Franklin Mint design fo a beer stein.
TITLE: Pyramids
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 1999
Boris and Julie experimented with Photoshop techniques to digitally create art by compositing elements into a prepared background. Eventually they mutally decided that the traditional method worked best for them.
FreedomFuture of ManLady of the Future
TITLE: Wildfire
AKA: Forest Fire
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1999
art for the book Wildfire by Zane Grey. Published by Forge Books November 1st 1999.
Wildfire (p)
TITLE: Ascendant Sun
AKA: The Prize
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1999
Art for the book Ascendant Sun: Saga of the Skolian Empire #5 by Catherine Asaro. Published by Tor Books March 9th 2000.
Prize (p) (The)
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 1999
Very little has changed from The preliminary idea for this Heavy Metal illustration.
Object of Desire (p)
TITLE: Come What Will
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 2000
From the preliminary drawing to the final canvas, it can be seen that Boris stayed faithfull to the original design
Come What Will
TITLE: Angel Rides
AKA: The Angel Rides
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2000
Based on a sculpture design for the Franklin Mint. one of four exotic motor-cycles that have proved very popular.
Angel Rides
TITLE: Competition
AKA: The Competition
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2000
This illustration looks very similar to painting The Competion
TITLE: Indomitus Est
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 2001
Painted as cover art for the book Indomitus Est by Robert Brady Jnr this painting was re-worked and included in the 2003 Fantasy Calendar under the title Evil Secrets. In this version the knight does battle with and alien war-machine much like those proposed in the H.G. Wells novel War Of The Worlds.
Evil Secrets
TITLE: Attack of the Tree Man
AKA: Mutant
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2001
As can be seen There is a lot of difference between the preliminary and final painting.
Tree Monster
TITLE: Rogue with Flame
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2001
Comparing the final painting of Rogue With Flame to The preliminary idea, it can be seen that the image has been flipped horizontally.
Rogue with Flame
TITLE: Through the Portal
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2001
Through the Portal (p)
TITLE: New Ground
AKA: By The Sword
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2001
To make it suitable for a calendar illustration the female character is clothed in a bikini, the second variation is a pencil drawing of the main character.
Divine MemoryBy The SwordTales of Sheriza
TITLE: Rogue with Hat
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2001
Many changes where made between the preliminary with the final image.
Rogue with Hat (p)
TITLE: Cloud Accountant
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2002
One in a series of drawings composited into a poster to advertise the drink Oasis produced by the Cocoa Cola Company.
One in a series of drawings composited into a poster to advertise the drink Oasis produced by the Cocoa Cola Company.
Fairy of the Park 1Fairy of the Park 2
TITLE: Fairy of the Unicorn
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2002
One in a series of drawings composited into a poster to advertise the drink Oasis produced by the Cocoa Cola Company. The fairy in the pool harkens back to one of Boris' much earlier paintings.
AntecornFairy of the Unicorn 1Fairy of the Unicorn 2Fairy of the Unicorn 3Fairy of the Unicorn 4Fairy of the Unicorn 5
TITLE: Three of Swords (The)
AKA: The Three of Swords, Mount Madrigal
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2002
Art for the book cover of The Three of Swords by Fritz Leiber. Published by Science Fiction Book Club November 2002. As can be seen the book cover looks somewhat different to the preliminary.
The Three of Swords (p) (The)
TITLE: Birds Of Prey
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2002
The painting of the Barbara Gordons face is featured in Fantasy Workshop between pages 57 - 62
Birds Of Prey
TITLE: Flower Princess
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 2003
The evil fairy figure also appears in a Franklin Mint design. The design is included in the book Ultimate Illustrations
Day And Night
TITLE: Toolbox
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2003
A series of drawings to promote casings produced by Kirkland Audio LLC.
Toolbox 1Toolbox 2Toolbox 3
TITLE: Crimson Mountain
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2003
studies for the comic cover Masters Of The Universe published June 2003.
Crimson Mountain study 1Crimson Mountain study 2
TITLE: Strife In The Sky
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2003
This painting appears in the 2005 Fantasy Calendar and was also used in the Good vs Evil advertising campaign to promote the SportsKaa built by the Ford Motors Company..
Ford Motor Co.
TITLE: Temptation
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2004
Boris and Julie's collaboration on this series of Nike - Chamber of Fear advertisements was a little different than usual in that The main figure Lebron James is not painted but it is in fact a photograph composited onto a painted background. The three Chinese girls were also composited into the painting. Their inclusion caused quite a rumpus when shown in China. The Chinese authorities claimed the advertisement breached rules which ban advertisements that blaspheme national practices and culture.
Traditional Chinese Girl #1Traditional Chinese Girl #2Traditional Chinese Girl #3
TITLE: My Love (Axe II)
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2004
Done for a promotion of Lynx Deodorant. The tattoo in First Love is of Matt (I don't know if Matt is meant to be someone, or is completely fictitious.). In Mermaids Dream however, the fairie, the object of the Mermaids affections is modelled by one of Julies sons I think it's David Palumbo, she confirms her affections bearing his tattoo on her arm whilst imagining his kiss.
Mermaid's Dream
TITLE: Sword Of Fate
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2005
These illustrations Sword Of fate were done for the comic cover Full Cirkle II Sum of Parts #1. The main character poses the same for both versions, with the obvious changes to the background in the coloured version.
Sword Of Fate
TITLE: Magic Cloak
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2005
These illustrations Magic Cloak were done for the comic cover Full Cirkle II Sum of Parts #3. The main character poses the same for both versions, with the obvious changes to the foreground and background in the coloured version.
Magic Cloak
TITLE: Victory Dance
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2005
These illustrations Victory Dance were done for the comic cover Full Cirkle II Sum of Parts #2. The main character poses the same for both versions, with the obvious changes to the background in the coloured version.
Victory Dance
TITLE: Life On Earth
AKA: Disguised
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2005
The same background was used to create these two variations. The first was published in the 2007 Fantasy Calender, the scond in Boris and julies book Imaginistix (page 159). In the second version the female model is replaced by the couple, they possibly commissioned this version.
Life On Earth II
TITLE: Friends
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 2006
These two paintings were painted six years apart, the original (Friends) depicts the pair gazing into nothingness, the latter What Next? was modified for the 2014 Fantasy Calendar where the girls nudity is covered by a bikini and both ponder the giant globe orbiting before them.
What Next?
TITLE: Chaos
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2006
The drawing Leap of the Centaur was originally commissioned as a tattoo, the painted version Chaos is the cover of the 2008 Fantasy Calendar as well as an illustration for September. The figure themselves appear to be identical, but the painting shows the couple being persued by a foe riding a twin-headed dragon.
Leap of the Centaur
TITLE: Queen of Wands
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 2007
The original painting Queen of Wands is part of a series of Tarot cards which were featured in Heavy Metal Magazine and consequently have a flat appearance. The second painting From The Ashes appears as April in the 2022 Fantasy Calendar and posesses a more 3D quality. Julie models the main character in both renditions and is posed and costumed alike, holding a staff and wearing a beautiful sun-flower headdress, after this the differences begin, the black panther in the original is replaced by a backdrop of a Phoenix rising from a volcano.
Queen of Wands
TITLE: Gentle Path
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2007
The 2007 painting Alone On The Top has been re-worked for an appearance in the 2013 Fantasy Calendar. The new version Centre Path shows the female rider has been clothed in a two-piece costume and scarlet cloak. The position of the birds flying above the mountain has been lowered and moved to the right. The whole image has then been cropped top and bottom which makes for a more zoomed-in look.
Centre Path
TITLE: Red Fox
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2007
With this portrait of Red a fox living at the Lakota Wolf Sanctuary in Colombia New Jersey. Julie decided to do a second version of the painting giving a more autumnal feel. She did this by replacing the background with orange/red leaves, she then put shadows on the fox's back to integrate it into the background.
Red Fox
TITLE: Toyota 4
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 2007
Although the background painting Colisseum 2 is not the same as the one in the parent image, it shares one or two similarities to it and was done for the Toyota series. The winning couple have been composited in along with various other elements.
WinnersColisseum II
TITLE: Escaping Armagedon
AKA: Exodus
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2008
Done as a sleeve for the 2008 album Exodus by Alex Moultan, this version show the spacecraft positioned to the left, in the second version of this painting from the 2014 Fantasy Calendar the spacecraft is positioned to the right
TITLE: Back to Atlantis
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2008
There is some similarity between the figure in these two paintings.
Battle of Atlantis
AKA: John Carter Of Mars
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2009
some changes were made from the drawing John Carter Of Mars to the final painting Mars although you may think the painting was done to promote the movie of the same name, it was apparently a private commison done some years before the movies release. The illustration Barsoom was also a private commission on the same subject
John Carter Of Mars (p)Barsoom
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2010
Done to commemerate the 2010 MTV -Revolver Golden Gods awards . Apart from the aspect ration of the two paintings, the most obvious difference is the text chisseld into the rock platform the couple are standing on.
TITLE: Trail of Mama Ocllo
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 2011
preliminary drawing and final painting for the 2015 Fantasy Calendar, and appears for the month of August.
Mountain Encounter
TITLE: What Courage Smells Like (Old Spice)
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2011
Done to promote Old Spice deodourants. These two paintings are almost identical. The final rendition was modified to show the rock in the right hand foreground supporting the Old Spice products and the text changed from 'WHAT COURAGE SMELLS LIKE' to 'THE SCENT OF COURAGE'.
Scent Of Courage
TITLE: Unconstrained Figure Study
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 2012
The painting Unconstrained has been reworked to make it more suitable to act as the center-piece for2014 Fantasy Calendar. The once nude female figure has been transformed into an angel complete with feathered wings, flowing hair and dressed in a red bikini.
TITLE: Allies
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2012
Both of these are dated as 2012 although the signatures and date appear in different positions within the two paintings. Appearing in the 2014 Fantasy Calendar This version of the painting is cropped to a square format loosing some of the background to the left and cropping the lions body to the right. The bare-breasted girl of the original is covered up by an ornate bra and the girls head is replaced completely with that of a new model.
TITLE: Without Fear
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2013
The painting Without Fear was done for a Nike campaign to celebrate womens participation in sport. It shows the female athlete wearing pristine red pants, a white top and Nike trainers she is holding a javelin. The flowing braids of the robotic foe appear to be more elongated but I think that my downloaded copy of this image has distorted width. The second version Final Defeat can been found in the 2015 Fantasy Calendar. In this version the athletes pants are torn, she's barefoot, no longer wears the white top and the javelin has become a barbed spear.
Final Defeat
TITLE: Lakota Language
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2013
a drawing and final rendering for a Julies wildlife painting of wolves
Lakota Language Sketch
TITLE: Bird Song
AKA: A Bird Song
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 2013
Julie is posed identically for both versions of this painting, in Winged Creatures Boris has added a pair of butterfly-like wings and dressed Julie in a bikini for more suitable inclusion in the 2018 Fantasy Calendar.
Winged Creatures
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2014
The drawing of Abby is a different pose to that of the painting, but it can still be considered a study both were completed around the same time and exhibited and awarded at Art Renewal Center's International Salon between 2014 and 2016
TITLE: Sky Riders
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 2016
The predominant blue of the first picture Regent Of The Night and the yellows of the second Sky Riders give these two paintings a completely different feel and look. On close inspection it can be seen that the Angel in the second painting has been flipped horizontally to face The Four Horsemen Of The apocalypse an echo to one of Boris's earlier paintings and also a feature of Julies album cover for Meatloaf 'Braver Than We Are'
Regent Of The Night
TITLE: Winona Nelson
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2016
Two portraits by Julie of the artist Winona Nelson The second painting Stillness has been re-worked to include includes elements from Winona Nelson's own artwork. The 'White Bird Creature' that appears in this portrait is reminiscent of Winona's own painting Migratory Route.
TITLE: Figure Study
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 2017
Boris has used this Figure Study for the female character in Spirtual Seer being a family oriented calendar illustration (2019 Fantasy Calendar) the nude model has been 'clothed' in a red bikini.
Spiritual Seer
TITLE: What You Know May Hurt You
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 2017
Boris has made adjustments to the painting What You Know May Hurt You to make it more suitable for inclusion in the 2020 Fantasy Calendar, where it is titled Clutching A Memory. This version has a completely new background, the females naked rear is covered by a pair of feathered pants and the Bird has been composited into the picture.
Clutching A Memory
TITLE: Sirens Whisper
AKA: The Sirens Whisper
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 2017
From the preliminary drawing of The Sirens Whisper it can be seen that Boris has continued the initial concept all the way through to the finnished painting.
Sirens Whisper
TITLE: Venus Clothed In Flowers
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2017
For inclusion in the 2019 Fantasy Calendar, Venus is depicted wearing a two piece costume to disguise her nudity in the first version.
Fauna Fantasy
TITLE: Sanctuary
AKA: Sacred
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2018
Although it's a very simple drawing, it can be seen from the Sacred Study image, that Julie has stuck very closely to the original idea for this painting. The calendar version Guardians At Rest has been cropped to fit the calendar format. To make in more suitable for family viewing the females breast has been covered by what appears to be some form of drape. Otherwise once again Julie has sticks to the original concept.
Sacred StudyGuardians At Rest
TITLE: Clutching A Memory
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 2018
Boris and Julie have experimented with digital art techniques. This painting is one example where the model from the painting What You Know May Hurt You has been a composited with a seperate paintings of the girls feathered underwear and the bird image.
The final image named Clutching A Memory was published in the 2020 Fantasy Calendar.
Although this technique allows the indivual elements to be repositioned and rescaled. Boris and Julie agree that is far simpler for them just to paint the composition in one go particularly as the final image exists on canvas, and not hidden away on a computer hard-drive.
What You Know May Hurt YouBird
TITLE: Golden Day For Ella
AKA: A Golden Day For Ella
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2018
Golden Day For Ella
TITLE: Truth Between Us
AKA: The Truth Between Us (Left)
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2019
Truth Between Us
TITLE: Spirit Of Nature
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo
YEAR: 2021
A variation of the painting Spirit of Nature the female figure is clothed in a two piece costume to make the image more suitable for inclusion in the Workman 2023 Fantasy Calendar.
Natural Wonder
TITLE: Maajiigwaneyaash
ARTIST: Julie Bell
YEAR: 2021
Two studies for a future project that was going to be full-sized, full-colour paintings on a pair of library doors
Gaagige Aanakwadikwe
TITLE: Golden Lion
ARTIST: Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell
YEAR: 2022
Comparing the painting with the drawing shows that Jane has lost her spear and Tarzan his knife.